In the early 11th century, the Persian poet Ferdowsi looked to the past and composed his masterwork, Shahnameh (The Book of Kings), a celebration of Iran’s pre-Islamic history. His tales of ancient kings and heroes inspired Persian artists between the 14th and 17th centuries to create lavish illustrations for Shahnameh manuscripts, artworks that are celebrated for their intricacy, gracefulness, and dazzling colors.
We’ll explore these mesmerizing paintings as well as the stories they bring to life: fabulous adventures of rulers—the virtuous, the weak-willed, and the wicked. We’ll consider questions that have stirred audiences for a millennium regarding the nature of legitimate government and just rule. And we’ll search for connections between the celebration of Zoroastrianism’s divine fire ceremonies preserved in The Book of Kings and Playa Made: The Jewelry of Burning Man.
The Loggia Lecture Series is inspired by the Italian loggia, an outdoor space for engaging others in conversation or simply admiring the artfulness of the passing world. Each Loggia Lecture illuminates a significant art history topic that dovetails with an exhibition at BAM, creating opportunities for lively discussion throughout.
Bellevue Arts Museum
Suggested Donation of $5-$25. RSVP.

About Rob Prufer
Rob Prufer brought his love for history, art, and ancient languages to the faculty of Bellevue’s Newport High School in 1995. Since then, his teaching specialty has become Advanced Placement Art History. This passion led him to create the Loggia Lecture Series for the wider community in 2011 and to Bellevue Arts Museum in 2015. He is delighted to offer the third season of Loggia Lectures at BAM, pairing art history with featured artworks at the Museum. In his spare time, Rob can be found cycling, studying Italian, and traveling with his wife, Lesley.