Inclusive, Diverse, Equitable and Accessible (IDEA) at BAM

The objective of BAM’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative is to create a substantive, fundamental, and lasting culture shift. Our process is intentionally deliberate and incremental. In the first phase of this work, our goal is to create a solid foundation for the implementation of IDEA initiatives in every aspect of BAM’s operations.


Quarterly IDEA Progress Report – Winter & Spring 2023

In alignment with our commitment to fostering an Inclusive, Diverse, Equitable and Accessible (IDEA) environment, we are pleased to present our quarterly report after a pause as the Museum welcomed a new Executive Director, Michael Whittington. This report is an update to our stakeholders about the progress we have made thus far, while also acknowledging that there is still much work to be done. We are dedicated to ensuring that our museum is a place where everyone feels welcome, respected, and represented.

Highlights of the Q1 & Q2, 2023: During Q1, we have initiated comprehensive planning for the museum. Recognizing there is a need to proactively address the implementation of this initiative has led to identifying 5 strategic pillars, including ‘Building a diverse, welcoming, and supportive organization to reflect our values and our community’.  To achieve this goal, we started a comprehensive review and planning process to spell out our IDEA initiatives. This led to forming   BAM’s IDEA Committee. IDEA is an umbrella term for this work – as we believe that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are not possible without accessibility.

The objective of the committee is to facilitate a substantive, fundamental, and lasting culture shift. We established a cross-functional work group comprised of representatives from various departments across the museum. This group will be responsible for guiding and implementing our efforts.

In the first phase of this work, informed by the direction set in the Strategic Plan , our goal is to create a solid foundation for the implementation of IDEA initiatives in every aspect of BAM’s operations.

The prioritization process began in 2021 with a series of recommendations from the 501 Commons IDEA Audit of the conditions in the museum. The priorities were further refined by BAM’s IDEA committee. For 2023, the committee has identified 4 core strategic priorities that respond to the board’s identification of the museum’s strategic pillar as stated above.

Long Term Objectives:

1.Center IDEA objectives in the Museum’s Strategic Plan.

2.Elevate the Museum management practices and culture to ensure diverse representation of staff and board members.

3.Implement continuous IDEA training for Museum staff, board, and volunteers.

4.Advocate for transparent communication promoting the Museum’s IDEA values


Next Steps:

The following are the key focus areas to address during the next two quarters through the end of the year.

1.Resource Allocation: We will allocate dedicated resources for the implementation of our IDEA initiatives. This will include: budgetary provisions, supporting staff, board, docent training and development, and the consulting expertise to drive and oversee our IDEA efforts effectively. (Timetable: budget to be created for approval estimated by August 1)

2.Refining Strategic Plan: The IDEA task force will continue to develop and refine a comprehensive action plan based on the data collected and in consultation with external experts. This plan will align with our long-term goals, specific objectives, and actionable steps to promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility across all facets of our museum. (Timetable for completion: December 1)

While we are encouraged by the progress made during this quarter, we acknowledge that our IDEA journey is ongoing. We believe that fostering a Diverse, Equitable, Inclusive and Accessible environment is crucial for the viability and relevance of BAM to our community. By providing these reports, we strive to keep our stakeholders informed about our progress and demonstrate our commitment to transparency and accountability.

We look forward to sharing more detailed updates in upcoming quarters and appreciate the ongoing support and engagement of our community. Please email  if you have any questions or comments.


Quarterly DEI Progress Report – Spring 2022

Since our Winter 2022 report, BAM staff have continued to work on advancing the priorities identified in our 2021 IDEA audit. Our primary focus this quarter has been to learn more about the audiences we currently serve, as well as how we can better support our community.


Demographic Survey: Initial Results

In March, we conducted an audience demographic survey to learn more about who we serve. This survey was designed to answer three questions: Who are our audiences and how do they engage with BAM? To what extent do BAM's stakeholders reflect the diversity of our broader community? How do audiences perceive the Museum and their experiences?

The survey was distributed in-person and online, and was promoted in our newsletters and social media channels. We received over 330 responses, primarily from community members who had visited the Museum within the last year.

Who is the current BAM audience?
From an initial analysis of the results, we found that

  • 42% of respondents identified as age 65+
  • 68% identified as white
  • 73% identified as female

2020 census data for the City of Bellevue indicates that 14% of residents identify as ages 65+, 48% as white, and 49% as female. While BAM’s current audience is far from monolithic, it does not yet reflect the broad age, race, and gender diversity of Bellevue and the greater Eastside communities the Museum hopes to serve. As a non-profit arts institution, we believe it is our responsibility to engage a wider audience with BAM exhibitions and programs.

A large number of survey respondents also indicated that

  • Word-of-mouth and living nearby were the most common ways that they learned about Bellevue Arts Museum.
  • They were comfortable and welcomed at the Museum and enjoyed their experience.

Room for growth
The survey also invited community members to share feedback on their experiences visiting the Museum. From these thoughtful responses, we were able to identify three key opportunities for growth:

  • Providing opportunities for dialogue. Survey respondents expressed interest in seeing more areas to sit and talk about the works on view, more public programs, and friendlier exhibition label language.
  • Increasing accessibility. Several community members noted that BAM did not meet their accessibility needs during their visit. Survey participants self-identified as deaf, low/no-visibility, neurodiverse, mobility-impaired, or as living with another disability.
  • Centering DEI & artistic excellence. 22% of survey responses noted the value of having diverse, equitable, and inclusive curation and programming at the Museum.

How will this information be used going forward?
The data collected from this survey will inform BAM's future public programs, exhibitions, and strategic plan. A more in-depth report looking at how the results compare across stakeholder groups will be shared in our Summer DEI Report.


Executive Director Search & Current Open Positions

On March 14, Bellevue Arts Museum welcomed E. Michael Whittington as its new Executive Director. Whittington was hired after a months-long search. In a recent interview with the Seattle Times, he noted that BAM's DEI efforts would be "front and center" as he begins work at the Museum.

BAM is currently hiring for two positions: a Director of Development and a Marketing & Communications Manager. These staff members will also play a key role in the Museum's DEI efforts and building relationships with the broader community.


Community Feedback

Thank you to everyone who has submitted comments through the feedback form on our website since it launched last year. Museum leadership continuously monitors these responses to help inform our work. We look forward to continuing to hear your thoughts and ideas on how BAM can continue to grow and best serve everyone in its community. 



Quarterly DEI Progress Report – Winter 2022

In our Fall report, we shared an initial set of priorities for advancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility at the Museum. These priorities were identified through an internal audit with 501 Commons that examined organizational norms, policies, and procedures though an IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility) lens. We’re excited to share some of the progress we’ve made on these priorities, as well as how we’re planning to sustain momentum through the new year.


Demographic Study
In January 2022, BAM hired a graduate student intern from the University of Washington to develop an audience survey in collaboration with members of the DEI committee. This study will serve as baseline data for audience demographics across BAM’s stakeholder groups, as well as provide insight into experiences of the communities that interact with the Museum.

The survey is currently in the development and design phase, with online and in-person data collection set to begin in March. Highlights from the preliminary analysis of results will be shared in our spring DEI report, and will seek to answer the question: To what extent do BAM’s stakeholders reflect the diversity of our broader communities? An in-depth report of findings will be shared this summer and will focus on how the results compare across stakeholder groups and inform our strategy for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility going forward.

Executive Director Search
In summer 2021, a search committee comprised of board, advisory council, and staff was created to finalize and distribute the Executive Director job posting. Since then, the Museum has been reviewing applications and conducting interviews. We’re excited by our pool of candidates and the enthusiasm they are expressing about joining the leadership of BAM.  We look forward to announcing further updates soon.

DEI Consultant
Following discussions with potential consultants through the end of last year, BAM is preparing to begin work with a consultant on board, staff, and docent workshops and DEI learning. We plan to initiate this process shortly after welcoming our new Executive Director, and we look forward to sharing more specifics on this process soon.

Board Leadership
The Bellevue Arts Museum Board is pleased to welcome Dr. Jill Wakefield as 2022 Board President and Jay Pathy as Vice President and incoming 2023 Board President. Dr. Jill Wakefield is the Chancellor Emeritus of Seattle Colleges where she was the longest-serving and first female chancellor in the district’s history. Wakefield served as Interim President of Bellevue College in 2017 and has served on BAM's board since that same year. Jay Pathy is the Principal and Founder of Umtanum Funds and has served on the Museum's board since 2020.

“We look forward to working closely with BAM’s incoming Executive Director to keep up momentum on the Museum’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives,” say Wakefield and Pathy, “particularly when it comes to crafting BAM’s new strategic plan.”

Community Feedback
Thank you to everyone who has submitted comments through the feedback form on our website since it launched last year. Museum leadership continuously monitors these responses to help inform our work. We look forward to continuing to hear your thoughts and ideas on how BAM can continue to grow and best serve everyone in its community. 



Quarterly DEI Progress Report – Fall 2021

Since our summer report, Bellevue Arts Museum’s board and staff have continued to lay the groundwork for meaningful and lasting change at the Museum.

The objective of BAM’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative is to create a substantive, fundamental, and lasting culture shift. Our process is intentionally deliberate and incremental. In this first phase, our goal is to create a solid foundation for the implementation of DEI initiatives in every aspect of BAM’s operations.


Internal Audit – IDEA Pathways with 501 Commons
(IDEA: inclusion, diversity, equity, & accessibility)

The Museum recently completed an internal audit with 501 Commons, a Seattle-based organization that provides consulting services to nonprofits. This process examined organizational norms, policies, and procedures through the lens of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility. Specific areas of focus included Museum governance and boards; fundraising and financial management; communications and relationships; planning, technology, and administration; and management and culture. The Museum’s full staff and board participated in the survey process to provide feedback and reach a consensus on BAM’s current practices and culture.

While the Museum has made progress in some areas, the results of the audit revealed that there is room for improvement in every category. Staff and board have been encouraged and empowered to begin making immediate improvements within their departments wherever possible. In time, the Museum will address every discovery from the audit at both the staff and leadership levels.

In order to ensure our next steps as an organization will provide a strong foundation for additional, substantive future changes, the Museum, with the assistance of 501 Commons, has identified a set of priorities for the board, museum leadership, and the DEI committee. These include:

  • Financial Management
    • Allocation of dedicated funding to implement IDEA strategies
    • Increased financial transparency throughout the organization
  • People Administration
    • Implement regular DEI/IDEA training for Museum staff, board, and volunteers
    • A full review of HR practices through an IDEA lens
  • Planning with IDEA Intent
    • Centering IDEA in Museum’s strategic planning (new strategic plan to be completed in early 2022)
    • Centering IDEA in curatorial and educational program planning
  • Community Relationships
    • Conduct a demographic study of BAM stakeholders and audiences to understand our current reach, and support future planning with DEI intent
    • Continue to develop relationships within the community, with a focus on groups historically excluded from art and museum institutions and other organizations that share our commitment to DEI
  • Board IDEA Oversight
    • Prioritize board oversight and engagement with IDEA policy planning and execution. Increased cross-communication with staff via DEI Committee


DEI Consultant
Setting internal policy-based priorities is an important step. Museum leadership also recognizes the value of following guidance from an independent and experienced DEI consultant as it works toward creating lasting change.

A dedicated team of staff and board members on the Museum’s DEI Committee have been meeting with experts in the DEI field to identify a partner who can help shape and implement our DEI work. This same group is currently reviewing a shortlist of proposals with the goal of beginning work with a consultant in the coming weeks. The Museum looks forward to sharing more on this process soon.


Executive Director Search
The job posting for the Museum’s next Executive Director was published at the end of August. The Museum’s board is on track to fulfill their original goal of filling this important position by the end of the year. The Executive Director will play a key role in the Museum’s ongoing DEI efforts. Executive Director job description »


Looking Ahead
Our next DEI update will be published in January 2022. In the meantime, we welcome input from our community. Please reach out to us via our feedback form to share your thoughts and recommendations for BAM. Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback thus far and has helped to shape the conversation around this important work.



Quarterly DEI Progress Report – Summer 2021

 2021 marks a year of transformation for Bellevue Arts Museum. Following our public commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work, BAM’s board and staff have been laying the groundwork for meaningful and lasting change at the Museum. 

In keeping with our promise to our community, we are committed to sharing updates on the steps BAM is taking to ensure that everyone feels welcomed and respected at the Museum.     

Internal Audit – DEI Pathways with 501 Commons
BAM’s board and staff are currently working with 501 Commons to assess the Museum’s operational policies and procedures through the lens of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. This Museum-wide assessment—which will conclude in mid to late-July—examines fundamental structures at both the board and staff level. The results of the assessment will help BAM identify areas for growth and set priorities, as well as provide a starting place for board and staff as we begin work with a DEI consultant.

DEI Consultant
As we move beyond these first steps, the Museum recognizes the importance of shaping our long-term DEI efforts with guidance from an independent and experienced DEI consultant. Following an initial search by a team of BAM staff members, board and staff are currently interviewing DEI professionals to identify a consultant who can begin working with the Museum this summer.  

Staff, Board, and Volunteer Trainings
The Museum has provided initial anti-racism and unconscious bias training to staff and will provide ongoing training to staff, board, and docents with guidance from a DEI consultant.

Committee Work
BAM’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee—comprised of board, advisory council, and staff members—has been meeting regularly to make strides forward on DEI work. Most recently, this has included working with the search committees for our open Executive Director and Director of Education positions to ensure an equitable hiring process. The DEI Committee will also be partnering with the Strategic Planning Committee on a new strategic plan for the Museum that incorporates DEI at all levels, to be released in the first quarter of 2022.

Executive Director Search
Our next Executive Director will play a key role in the Museum’s ongoing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts. With that in mind, our Interim Executive Director has been working closely with Museum leadership and the hiring committee to craft a job description that captures the Museum’s needs and expanding vision in this time of transformation. The official search will open this summer with the goal of filling the role before the end of 2021.

Looking Ahead
We recognize that building a more inclusive and welcoming organization takes time and commitment. The steps outlined above are just the beginning of making meaningful change at BAM and we look forward to learning and growing in the months ahead. Our next DEI update will be published in September 2021. In the meantime, we welcome input from our community. Please reach out to us via our feedback form to share your thoughts and recommendations for BAM’s future.