Public Programs

Artist Talk: Ann Johnston — Which Came First?

  • Friday, March 03, 2017:
  • 6:30 - 8:00 PM
  • |
  • Add to calendar 2017-03-03 18:30:00 2017-03-03 20:00:00 America/Los_Angeles Artist Talk: Ann Johnston — Which Came First? Bellevue Arts Museum, Auditorium BAM

Presented with support from the Anne Marie Hines Memorial Lecture Fund

Using images of her quilts over the years, Ann Johnston will discuss making design decisions and how her approach has evolved. She will describe the different kinds of starting places she has used in her recent work and explain in detail how the work changed during its creation--from inspiration to result. 

Ann Johnston is has been practicing artist since the 1980s. She began her career as a traditional quilter, eventually experimenting and branching out of traditional quilting. She went on to create her own dying and design techniques and has become one of the most recognized international quilt artists. As an author and educator she has taught many workshops and contributed to numerous publications, establishing her as an expert in fabric design and dyeing. Her updated expanded version of the extensive The Quilter’s Book of Design, published in 2008 is considered a complete guide for those wishing to move from commercial fabric to creating their own dyed and designed fabrics. She earned a degree in Literature from Stanford University, and a Masters in Geography at the University of Oregon. She taught math in Lima, Peru, raised two sons in Oregon with her husband Jim, and started quilting. Johnston’s years of experimentation with dye and fabric have led to piles of quilts, worldwide travel, numerous national and international exhibitions, five books, and a few aches and pains. Her collectors respect her viewpoint and her students admire her generosity and skill in teaching. Her quilts are in public and private collections in England, France, Japan, New Zealand, and the United States.

The Anne Marie Hines Memorial Lecture Fund was set up to honor Anne’s role in contributing to the founding and development of the Bellevue Arts Museum. She was extremely active in keeping BAM Guilds functioning during the early years of the Museum. Anne was very interested in adult education and thus the focus of the fund. 

Bellevue Arts Museum, Auditorium

Free/members, $5/non-members.